我很喜欢个性狂傲不羁、自信感爆棚的尼采,他说:“凡是能吸入我著作的气息的人,他就会知道,这是一种高空之气,一种令人振奋之气。” 尼采他的每一句话都是石破天惊啊:“why do I so wise? 他最喜欢的诗人海涅:“海涅和我绝对是德国语言的第一流艺术家!” 他最喜欢的作曲家是瓦格纳。他真的是爱极了瓦格纳...
In this commentary on chapter one, "Why I am So Wise," of Nietzsche's Ecce Homo, the author dispels the long-standing impression that Ecce Homo is an irrational book in which the madness that claimed Nietzsche only months after he began writing it had already begun its work. Ecce Homo,...
尽管作者认为一个Freud与Nietzsche的故事会更有趣,但是由于Nietzsche疯掉时Freud还很年轻没有名气,于是代之以Dr. Breuer:I wish I could have staged the novel a decade later: by then Freud would be developing psychoanalytic methods and a Freud-Nietzsche encounter would have made an interesting story. (O...
Why Was Nietzsche so Wise and so Clever?doi:10.1524/nifo.2005.12.jg.209TOBIAS DAHLKVISTDe GruyterNietzscheforschung
1. Own up to envy. Envy is – Nietzsche recognised – a big part of life. Yet the lingering effects of Christianity generally teaches to be feel ashamed of our envious feelings. They seem an indication of evil. So we hide them from ourselves and others. Yet there is nothing wrong with...
That is why, after having tested the worth of our noblest ideal--that of the Saviour, in the light of the new valuations, the poet cries with passionate emphasis in Zarathustra: Never yet hath there been a Superman. Naked have I seen both of them, the greatest and the smallest man:-...
Summarize 'Why I Am So Wise' by Nietzsche. What does Nietzsche say about nihilism? What is Friedrich Nietzsche's idea of morality? What did Friedrich Nietzsche think about human beings? Why is Friedrich Nietzsche important? Did Nietzsche invent existentialism? What is Nietzsche's view on justice...
“I am content to live it all again/ And yet again.” Having read Nietzsche’sThe Dawn, Yeats adopted the “privilege” of the autonomous self in that book “to punish himself, to pardon himself,” so that “you will no longer have any need of your god, ...
Yes,in the sense that blood and fat were literally offered to him. ButNobecause he did not consume either. Why does he say this, then? Because the blood, actually poured outside into a Temple drain, symbolizes the spirit’s separation/expiation from sin; while the fat, when turned into...
“Nietzsche’s own interpretation of his development, his works, and his significance.” The chapters have titles like “Why I Am So Wise” and “Why I Am So Clever.” Some have pointed to these titles as proof that Nietzsche was a crazed egomaniac, but the more likely interpretation is ...