During his residence in SwitzerlandNietzschecame to know a large circle of interesting people. He suffered, however, from extremely severe headaches, so frequent that they incapacitated him for about two hundred days in the year and brought him to the verge of the grave. In 1879 he resigned hi...
Patrick’s response was where the discussion got really interesting. For this is the first time I’ve seen someone question the very distinction between qualitative and quantitative individualism.Continue reading→ Podcast interview on qualitative individualism ...
“disinterested” action is an exceedingly interesting and interested action, assuming——But anyone who has really made sacrifices knows that he wanted and got something in return—perhaps something of himself in return for something of himself—that he gave up here in order to have more there,...
It is interesting to compare this critique of concord with Schopenhauer’s, who argues that in EIVp29-31 Spinoza is guilty of false reasoning because he confuses the concepts ofconvenireandcommunere habere(WWV II 96). Spinoza’s argument moves from the claim that we have something in common ...
something else completely. However, this doesn’t answer the general claim that a certain Templar possessed a severed idol head and turned to it to form their own Faustian pact with the spirit of Baphomet. We can gain more clarity on this subject from Sean Martin inThe Knights Templar(p. ...
focused on the ther-apeutic dimensions ofNietzsche’spsychological thinkingand did not aim foracomprehensive viewof Nietzsche’spsychology.Perhapsbecause of Golomb’sattemptto presentNietzsche as somethingofapsychoanalystinhis own right,this workdid not become influential in the Anglophone discussionon Niet...