un contrôle et un jeu avec celle-ci. La naissance de cette philosophie de la légèreté va de paire avec la profonde transformation des idées de Nietzsche sur la religion, l'art et la connaissance, ainsi qu'avec l'évolution de son interprétation de Schopenhauer et du pessimisme grec....
Nietzsche: affirmation et religion
Reviving 'Natural Religion': Nietzsche and Bergson on Religious Life Bulletin of the History of Medicine 71.1 (1997) 167-168 Michel Henry. The Genealogy of Psychoanalysis . Translated by Douglas Brick. Originally published as Gen茅alogie de la psychanalyse: Le commencement perdu , 1985. Stanford,...
Durch den intensiven Gebrauch und Mißbrauch, den insbesondere einige Nationalsozialisten von Nietzsches Begriffen gemacht haben, war der Philosoph — nach dem Ende des »Dritten Reiches« — nicht nur in Deutschland lange Zeit verpönt. Zwar zeigt eine genauere Untersuchung, daß Nie...
As Jon Stewart has recently shown, in the development of philosophy in the period of the nineteenth-century religion played an “absolutely central and constitutive role,” particularly with reference to the twin Hegelian notions of “alienation” (EntäußerungorEntfremdung) and “recognition”...
La philosophie sert alors de référence exemplaire, en raison de la situation médiatrice qu'elle occupe par rapport à l'art, à la religion et à la science, et qui non seulement attire sur elle les critiques, nietzschéennes et freudiennes, les plus subtilement diversifiées, donc les ...
I believe it: "the religion of the heart." 5 G. Eliot. — They are rid of the Christian God and now believe all the more firmly that they must cling to Christian morality. That is an English consistency; we do not wish to hold it against little moralistic females à la Eliot. In ...
And as a matter of fact, the fatalism of the weak-willed embellishes itself surprisingly when it can pose as “la religion de la souffrance humaine” (the religion of human suffering); that is its “good taste.” Criticize free will, the later existentialism, and at much more extent, un...
The problem is, however, that while most specialists understand their own limitations and stay in their lane, the ones that stray into "politics, art, religion, and the general problems of life and the world" are likely too impressed by their own skills and smarts. (I need not remind you...
'Conception et fonction du temps dansla pensee theorique de Jan Mukafovsky et deRoman Ingarden.' Russian Literature 20 (Nort-Holland) (1986): 353-80.Le Grand, E. 'Hommage a Jan Mukafovsky.' Cana-dian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Cana-dienne de Litterature Comparee. Special issu...