only the anime adaptation has one of the children devour the others to stop them from feeling fear anymore. Pascal's fate afterwards is to self-destruct, unlike the game where he either has his memories erased, disappears, or is killed by A2 depending on the player's choice. Meanwhile, 9S...
With Routes A and B functioning as a mostly cohesive narrative, Route C presents itself as a quick epilogue setting up a sequel before continuing the story proper (complete with an ending credits that transitions into a new opening sequence for the route). Considering how muchAutomatachanges afte...
Use your self-destruct function to see this “broken” UI. Various “nostalgia filters” inspired by games of yesteryear. In Conclusion I’m quite pleased with how NieR:Automata’s UI turned out myself, but what I’m really pleased with is how positive the response has been from players. ...
"Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually a never-ending spiral of life and death." — 2B in the Prologue YoRHa No.2 Type B, or just 2B, is one of the protagonists of NieR:Automata. She is a YoRHa android created to battl