Do ZYNs give you a buzz? Anicotine buzzor “high” could be loosely defined as an intense, euphoric head rush that one briefly feels after consuming nicotine. It is mostly dependent on one’s tolerance, the dose, and the delivery method. Thus, it tends to be the result of inexperienced ...
For example, smokers show fewer responses than do non-smokers to the same amount of nicotine, as evidenced by measures of subjective stimulation that may be viewed as pleasurable, such as arousal, vigor, and a subjective experience often referred to as "head rush" or "buzz," [italics ours]...
For example, smokers show fewer responses than do non-smokers to the same amount of nicotine, as evidenced by measures of subjective stimulation that may be viewed as pleasurable, such as arousal, vigor, and a subjective experience often referred to as "head rush" or "buzz," [italics ours]...