Nicotiana attenuata (coyote tobacco) has been developed into a model plant system to understand the molecular basis of traits important for the Darwinian fitness of plants in nature. Twenty years of releases of transgenic N. attenuata plants into a nature preserve in the plant's native habitat ...
2.7 N. attenuata Nicotiana attenuata, commonly known as coyote tobacco, is a species of wild tobacco. N. tabacum and N. benthamiana are mainly studied, but N. attenuata also has interesting characteristics. N. attenuata is diploids, whereas N. tabacum and N. benthamiana are tetraploid. This ...
which have been exploited for economical and biological purposes and one such species isN. benthamiana,which has been extensively used as a model-plant to study plant-pathogen interactions[12].N. attenuata, known as wild coyote tobacco, has also been used as a model organism to investigate speci...