原文呈现COPERNICUS_9^9REVOLUTIONARY^-THEORYNicolaus Copernicus was frightened and his mindwas confused. Although he had tried to ignore them,all his mathematical calculations led to the same con-clusion that the earth was not the centre of the solar sys-tem. Only if you put the sun there did...
Nicolaus Copernicus (in Latin; Polish Mikołaj Kopernik, German Nikolaus Kopernikus);February 19,1473–May 24,1543) was a Polish astronomer, mathematician and economist who developed the heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory of the solar system in a form detailed enough to make it scientifically usef...
1英语翻译Nicolaus Copernicus was frightened and his mind was confused.Although he had tried to ignore them,all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion:that the earth was not the centre of the solar system.Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets ...
By careful observation and precise calculation, Nicolaus Copernicus that there is no one center in the universe and the sun is the center of the solar system.A.believedB.thoughtC.concludedD.imagined
Copernicus's theory of the solar system. Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. How we understood the universe throughout history Discussion of four attempts to explain the structure of the solar system, from Aristotle... Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. ...
Learn about Nicolaus Copernicus, author of the heliocentric theory of the universe. Discover what Copernicus did and how his heliocentric model...
【解析】 Dear Nicolaus Copernicus, I am a student studying astronomy and I am dying to read your new theory about the solar system. I hope you will publish it for several reasons. The present theory doesn't make sense. On the one hand, the way the planets move is not what you have ...
Science Quotes by Nicolaus Copernicus (22 quotes) >> Click for Nicolaus Copernicus Quotes on | Earth | Solar System | Theory | Nicolaus Copernicus, computer reconstruction from exhumed skull, verified by DNA match to a hair in one of his books. (source) ...
COPERNICUS' REVOLUTIONARY THEORY Nicolaus Copernicus came to a conclusion by his mathematical calculations: the center of the solur system was the sun, NOT the earth. Yet he was1. ___ (frighten) of the power of the Christian Church, 2. ___ insisted that the world3.___(create) by/ Go...
Nicolaus Copernicus was an astronomer who provided the first modern formulation of a heliocentric (sun-centered) model of the solar system. Using logical arguments, available theory, and showing the weaknesses of the prevailing geocentric description of the universe, he elaborated a revolutionary model...