Nico di Angelo is a fourteen-year-old Greek demigod son of Hades and the mortal Maria di Angelo. He is also the younger brother of the late Bianca di Angelo and the half brother of Hazel Levesque. He is known in the Underworld as the “Ghost King” after taking the title from King ...
This article is about the book character. You may be looking for the TV character of the same name. Niccolò[1] "Nico" di Angelo is a fifteen-year-old Italian-born Greek demigod, the son of Hades and the late Maria di Angelo. He is a main character in th|基于10个网页 2. 帝亚杰罗 尼克‧帝亚杰罗(Nico di angelo)十岁,就读卫斯多佛军事学校,是父母不详的混血人,有个姊姊碧安卡。|基于 1 个网页
Nico di Angelo is a fourteen-year-old Greek demigod son of Hades and the mortal Maria di Angelo. He took the title of “Ghost King” from King Minos.
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Nico di AngeloBack More Character Analysis Come Hades or High Water Nico di Angelo is our youngest demigod hero. The 14-year-old is the son of Hades, and we're told he was "forced to endure more tragedy and danger than most demigods would in a lifetime" (5.68). ...
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