Refresh the page to resume playback One day you swear you’ll never baby-talk your partner or call them anything but their first name, the next you’re head-over-heels in love calling them the cringiest, most adorable pet name you didn’t even know existed—that’s love, bb! Picking...
28. Sweet Boy: For when they’re in the cuddliest mood ever. 29. Hero: When your love language is acts of service. 30. Sweetums: Because “Sweetie” can get old and overused. 31. Snuggle Buddy: What you call them when you’re curling up to watch the new White Lotus episode. ...
The nicknames you use for your boyfriend (or partner/husband) should describe some aspect of his personality. The fact that he calls you ‘babe’, instead of some short form of your original name, gives you the incentive to call him ‘cute names’ not necessarily a modification of his orig...