哥哥(Ge Ge) –It means “Brother”. Calling your boyfriend “brother” is to treat him like a family member. 爸爸(Ba Ba) –Yes… You can also call your boyfriend “爸爸 (daddy).” 大爷(Da Ye) –It literally means “Old Grandpa.” 蜀黍(Shu Xi) –A cute way of saying “叔叔(uncl...
When creating your own nickname, remember that it is a way to identify and describe yourself. So, choose a nickname that is positive and fits you well. It can be based on a personality trait, ability, or a part of your appearance. It could also be a play on your name, for example....
Grandma Weeze –And sometimes just “Weezie” I love it because my mom had told me that my older brother introduced me to the neighbors as “Weezie” when I was born and my favorite uncle used to call me “Weezie.” –Louise (Midland Park, NJ) Grandma tippy –My oldest grandson named...
Rachel: Ross and Rachel (together): If you know of any other nicknames that aren't mentioned here, pleasee-mail them to me Last updated: 12/5/02
Not only does Dorell Wilkins sport Dennis Rodman’s hairstyle, but he bears more than a passing resemblance to The Worm. Although he’s too young to actually remember Rodman’s career, a young Dorell became a fan thanks to his older brother, and tried to imitate his game. He’s a bit...
Spud's older brother, David, is known as Bean. It's intriguing to think for a moment of a family named exclusively after vegetables, but this isn't the case. "When I was born, my head looked like a bean so they called me Beanhead," says 22-year-old David, who works in the fam...
The story goes that the Israelites had begun to worship local pagan deities while suffering heavy defeats from the Philistines including losing the Ark of the Covenant. Samuel prayed for divine intervention and sacrificed telling the Israelites: ""If you are returning to the LORD with all your he...