It's enough that he's had massive hot dogs named after him in both Texas and Minnesota: The Boomstick hot dog, conspicuously placed right next to my seat in the press box. I think the #MNTwins are taking the Asian grandmother approach of fattening me for the slaughter.
Then the two names became interchangeable – both for the sausages and for the Dachshund breed dogs Note: wiener dog was eventually called the hot dog and then that term also became interchangeable with Dachshund dogs. WIEner Dog vs WEIner Dog – Which is the Correct Spelling?
“Lockheed” might be a good aviation name for Corviknight. According to Sw&Sh leaks, Corviknight is supposed to be the “fly” Pokémon which will take the player form one point to another.
Flush (c/s)All Ble, BlueKK99Pair of Dogs Flush of ClubsGolf Bag, Puppy FeetJJ55Rock and Roll. Motown Flush of HearsValentines9966Dinner for Four Four FlushArcansas Flush2233Socks and Shoes TJQKABroadwayAAAces and Spaces Poker Hand Nicknames - The Flop ...