These nickels’ abundant presence on the current coin market significantly affects their value. In most cases, you can buy a circulated coin in average condition for as little as five cents, which is also its face value. Even pieces in the mint state have an affordable value of about $10....
2. A coin of the United States or Canada worth five cents. tr.v. nick·eled, nick·el·ing, nick·els or nick·elled or nick·el·ling To coat with nickel. [Swedish, short for kopparnickel, niccolite, partial translation of German Kupfernickel : Kupfer, copper + Nickel, demon, ...
2. A coin of the United States or Canada worth five cents. tr.v. nick·eled, nick·el·ing, nick·els or nick·elled or nick·el·ling To coat with nickel. [Swedish, short for kopparnickel, niccolite, partial translation of German Kupfernickel : Kupfer, copper + Nickel, demon, ...
2. A coin of the United States or Canada worth five cents. tr.v. nick·eled, nick·el·ing, nick·els or nick·elled or nick·el·ling To coat with nickel. [Swedish, short for kopparnickel, niccolite, partial translation of German Kupfernickel : Kupfer, copper + Nickel, demon, ...
nickel - a United States coin worth one twentieth of a dollar coin - a flat metal piece (usually a disc) used as money 3. nickel - five dollars worth of a drug; "a nickel bag of drugs"; "a nickel deck of heroin" nickel note five dollar bill, fiver, five-spot - a United States...