Fury Files gives viewers top-secret access to SHIELD intel on key Marvel heroes and villains. Marvel//Disney "All of this is told by none other than the mysterious Fury, bringing together a mix of animation and motion comic art! Looking to download a bunch of information about every ...
Outside of comic books, one need only look at the character of Jack Bauer. Within the modern superhero landscape, the archetype is embodied by Nick Fury. These characters might be edgy or ambiguous, but they are also undeniably cool. Gunn’s approach to Waller in The Suicide Squad is ...
Making matters worse, a long thought dormant agency of Leviathan began its ascendancy. The return of Leviathan complicated Fury’s plans, but also provided opportunities when HYDRA and Leviathan quickly went to war, giving Fury extra room and time to maneuver his own forces. The plot was thicken...
JEB: THE FAME AND THE FURY Jed Hart Jed Rowen Jeff Caperton Jeff Haltom Jeff Kirkendall Jeff Riddle Jeff Ryan Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman Jeffrey Cooper Jeffrey Dean Morgan Jeffrey Donovan Jeffrey Holm Jeffrey Reddick Jelena Gavrilovic JELLYFISH Jemima Spence Jemma Redgrave Jen...
To make Epilogue, we took the structure and sense of a requiem mass, then pulled it apart it and filled it with contemporary language and music. What we’re left with is an echo of the original idea, that follows the same rise, fall and atmosphere, but speaks to more recent events, ...