dogs barking, cars crashing, trains passing by, airplanes taking off and landing, crowds cheering, and everything else that makes a sound. A lot of this type of recording has already been done, but the technology has improved and all of it can be done better...
Classic Cars Worth Millions Hiding Out in a South L.A. Junkyard to be Auctioned By Chris NicholsOct 23, 2024 Arts & Entertainment See the Bawdy After-Hours Art of Disney Legend Rolly Crump By Chris NicholsOct 19, 2024 Ask Chris Ask Chris: Did an artist fake a freeway sign Downtown?
bass and supporting vocal • Ken Reynolds, drums. Recorded in the current basement, Aug. 8, 1999. In the late 1990s, I started seeing all these young guys wearing ball caps, driving around in small cars and looking coldly murderous. A fatal fight among some of them in a Denny...
This prime property was to be on the market for 10 days before the Sellers would review offers so the property could be fully-exposed. But its entry came with a landslide of anticipation. As soon as we hit the market the Sellers called to report the appearance of cars and lookyloos strea...