//github.com/hadley/httr/releases/tag/v0.3 .httr-oauth # knitr and R markdown default cache directories *_cache/ /cache/ # Temporary files created by R markdown *.utf8.md *.knit.md # R Environment Variables .Renviron # pkgdown site docs/ # translation temp files po/*~ # RStudio ...
git clone https://github.com/saeyslab/nichenet_training.git Then open thenichenet_training.Rprojin RStudio, which will setnichenet_training/as the working directory. When creating a new folder to store the networks and Seurat objects, we assume that you are in this directory. ...
Installation typically takes a few minutes, depending on the number of dependencies that has already been installed on your pc. You can install nichenetr (and required dependencies) from github with: nichenetr was tested on both Windows and Linux (most recently tested R version: R 4.0.0) ...
.github R-raw R data inst man tests vignettes circos_files differential_nichenet_files ligand_activity_geneset_files ligand_activity_single_cell_files model_evaluation_files seurat_steps_files seurat_wrapper_circos_files seurat_wrapper_files .gitignore circos.md circos.rmd circos_plot_adapted.png com...
Installation typically takes a few minutes, depending on the number of dependencies that has already been installed on your pc. You can install nichenetr (and required dependencies) from github with: nichenetr was tested on both Windows and Linux (most recently tested R version: R 4.0.0) ...
Installation typically takes a few minutes, depending on the number of dependencies that has already been installed on your PC. You can install nichenetr (and required dependencies) from github with: nichenetr was tested on both Windows and Linux (most recently tested R version: R 4.3.2) ...
Computational methods that model how gene expression of a cell is influenced by interacting cells are lacking. We present NicheNet ( https://github.com/saeyslab/nichenetr ), a method that predicts ligand–target links between interacting cells by combini
3.https://github.com/saeyslab/nichenetr/blob/master/vignettes/faq.md END 排版人:小久 原创声明:本文由欧易生物(OEBIOTECH)学术团队报道,本文著作权归文章作者所有。欢迎个人转发及分享,未经作者的允许禁止转载。