The talented Selena Gomez has made significant contributions to the entertainment industry as an actress, singer, and producer. Born in Texas in 1992 to Ricardo Joel Gomez and former stage actress Amanda Dawn "Mandy" Cornett, her career began with a role on the popular children's...
“Great little place in one of my favorite towns.” “They have really done a lot of work and have a gorgeous covered deck area to sit out and enjoy the coastal weather. Must visit after your day at the beach or shopping in Matagorda!“ ★★★ “Fun little bar with a dart board ...
Born in Texas in 1992 to Ricardo Joel Gomez and former stage actress Amanda Dawn "Mandy" Cornett, her career began with a role on the popular children's series Barney & Friends at just seven years old. However, it was her portrayal of Alex Russo on Disney Channel's hit s...