tinsforprimarypreventionofcardiovasculardiseases[J].ChinJCa rdiovascMed,2022,27(3):215-218. [2]KimBK,HongSJ,LeeYJ,etal.Long-termefficacyandsafe tyofmoderate-intensitystatinwithezetimibecombinationtherapyve rsushigh-intensitystatinmonotherapyinpatientswithatherosclerot iccardiovasculardisease(RACING):arandomised...
Statin therapy is recommended as part of the management strategy for primary prevention of CVD among adults with at least a 20% 10-year risk of developing CVD; treatment should be initiated with simvastatin 40mg. For the secondary prevention of CVD , drugs to reduce cholesterol levels should be...
1.6.1ForprimarypreventionofCVDaimforagreaterthan40%reductioninnon-HDL cholesterol.[May2023] Optimisinglifestylechanges 1.6.2Beforeofferingstatintreatmentforprimaryprevention,discussthebenefitsof lifestylechangesandoptimisethemanagementofallothermodifiableCVDrisk factorsifpossible.[May2023] 1.6.3Recognisethatpeoplema...
The NICE guidance specifically recommends that GPs start statin treatment for the primary prevention of CVD with atorvastatin 20mg while patients with established CVD, type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes should be offered a higher strength 80mg dose of atorvastatin. However, NICE also acknowledges not...
Anupdate of existing National Institute for Health and CareExcellence (NICE) guidance (published in 2008)1 was necessaryin light of new evidence on the efficacy and safety of statintherapy,2on the effects of combining statins with non-statindrugs,3-5and on novel risk assessment tools for ...
Topics discussed include the use of QRISK2 as cardiovascular risk assessment to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD), the division of the statin drugs and dosages into low, medium, and high-intensity, and the use of atorvastatin to initiate statins....
The appraisal assessed evolocumab as monotherapy or in combination with a statin with or without ezetimibe, or in combination with ezetimibe (without statin therapy), in adult patients with primary hypercholesterolaemia (which includes mixed dyslipidaemia), for whom statins do not provide optimal ...
tinsforprimarypreventionofcardiovasculardiseases[J].ChinJCa rdiovascMed,2022,27(3):215-218. [24]KimBK,HongSJ,LeeYJ,etal.Long-termefficacyandsafe tyofmoderate-intensitystatinwithezetimibecombinationtherapyve rsushigh-intensitystatinmonotherapyinpatientswithatherosclerot iccardiovasculardisease(RACING):arandomised...
Statin therapy for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease(CVD)has been recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence for adults who have a 20 per cent or greater 10-year risk of developing CVD.Guidance published this week also recommends statins for adults with ...
welcome and summarised in this issue of Heart.2 NICE recommends its use in combination with a statin when more intensive low-density lipoprotein (LDL) lowering is indicated, and as monotherapy in the small proportion of patients who are intolerant of statin or in whom a statin is ...