Making decisions using NICE guidelines explains how we use words to show the strength (or certainty) of our recommendations, and has information about prescribing medicines (including off-label use), professional guidelines, standards and laws (including on consent and mental capacity), and safeguardin...
prescribingmedicines(includingoff-labeluse),professionalguidelines,standards andlaws(includingonconsentandmentalcapacity),andsafeguarding. 1.1Organisinghealthandsocialcareforpeople needingrehabilitationafterstroke Strokeservices 1.1.1Peoplewhoneedrehabilitationafterstrokeshouldreceiveitfroma ...
Making decisions using NICE guidelines explains how we use words to show the strength (or certainty) of our recommendations, and has information about prescribing medicines (including off-label use), professional guidelines, standards and laws (including on consent and mental capacity), and safeguardin...
AIM. The objective of this audit is to ascertain our adherence to the NICE acne guidelines regarding the duration of oral antibiotic therapy prescribed and the accurate prescribing of topical treatments in conjunction with the oral antibiotic1. The audit criteria entail ensuring that 100% of ...
thecontextoflocalandnationalprioritiesforfundinganddevelopingservices,andinlightoftheir dutiestohavedueregardtotheneedtoeliminateunlawfuldiscrimination,toadvanceequalityof opportunityandtoreducehealthinequalities.Nothinginthisguidelineshouldbeinterpretedina waythatwouldbeinconsistentwithcomplyingwiththoseduties. Commissioners...
As drug patents expire, the horizon for osteoporosis prescribing is likely to change again. In summary, most specialists feel that it is a combination of the varying thresholds for initiation with different osteoporo- sis therapies, and the lack of accommodation of FRAX-listed risk factors that ...
prescribingmedicines(includingoff-labeluse),professionalguidelines,standards andlaws(includingonconsentandmentalcapacity),andsafeguarding. 1.1Idetifyingandassessingcardiovascular diseaseriskforpeoplewithoutestablished cardiovasculardisease Idetifyingpeopleforfullformalriskassessmet 1.1.1Fortheprimarypreventionofcardiovascular...
The choices for treatment are often controversial and mistakes in prescribing medications are frequent. Due to the specificity of the symptoms and particularities of the pediatric population the Expert group for cough of the Croatian Society for Pediatric Pulmonology and Croatian Society of ...