19 Pneumonia in adults: diagnosis and management (CG191) immunocompromised, or in whom management of pneumonia is an expected part of end-of-life care. For guidance on antibiotic treatment of pneumonia, see NICEs guidelines on pneumonia (community-acquired): antimicrobial prescribing and pneumonia (...
nice获得性pneumonia指南肺炎guideline PneumoniaDiagnosisandmanagementofcommunity-andhospital-acquiredpneumoniainadultsIssued:December2014NICEclinicalguideline191guidance.nice.uk/cg191NICEhasaccreditedtheprocessusedbytheCentreforClinicalPracticeatNICEtoproduceguidelines.Accreditationisvalidfor5yearsfromSeptember2009andapplies...
The National Institute of Care and Health Excellence (NICE) in England and Wales has recommended that family doctors use the C-reactive protein test before prescribing antibiotics for treatment of pneumonia. Pneumonia affects 5-11 per 1000 people in the UK every year, and is diagnosed in 5-12...
aspirationpneumonia(seethesectiononmouthcare).[2013] 1.11.9Healthcareprofessionalswithrelevantskillsandtraininginthediagnosis, assessmentandmanagementofswallowingdisordersshouldregularly monitorandreassesspeoplewithdysphagiaafterstrokewhoarehaving modifiedfoodandliquiduntiltheyarestable(thisrecommendationis ...
Diagnosis and management of community and hospital acquired pneumonia in adults: summary of NICE guidance Published: 2015 -05 -18 · DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1007-9742.2015.05.1114345 2105 2 0 13 0PDF下载摘要 这是一系列BMJ基于现有的最好证据得出的新指南概要之一。他们尤其对临床实践提出了重要建议...
19 Pneumonia in adults: diagnosis and management (CG191) immunocompromised, or in whom management of pneumonia is an expected part of end-of-life care. For guidance on antibiotic treatment of pneumonia, see NICEs guidelines on pneumonia (community-acquired): antimicrobial prescribing and pneumonia (...
1.1.2 Start antibiotic treatment as soon as possible after establishing a diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia, and certainly within 4 hours (within 1 hour if the person has suspected sepsis and meets any of the high risk criteria for this – see the NICE guideline on sepsis). 1.1.3 ...