For moreinformation onwhat shared decisionmakingmeansforpeoplereceivingcareand treatment,seemakingdecisionsaboutyour care. 有关医患共同决策对接受护理和治疗的患者意味着的详细信息,请参阅您的方案做 出决策。 MakingdecisionsusingNICE guidelinesexplainshowweusewordsto showthe strength (or certainty) ofour...
Endoflifecareforadults: servicedelivery NICEguideline Published:16October2019 ©NICE2019.Allrightsreserved.SubjecttoNoticeofrights( rights). YYourresponsibilityourresponsibility...
Results: Results from the consensus building exercise confirmed that end-of-life care planning conversations are to be welcomed and encouraged, and that the priority should be to have the conversation (which could be initiated by a range of professionals, or people planning end-of-life care ...
1.1Organisinghealthandsocialcareforpeopleneedingrehabilitationafterstroke6 1.2Planninganddeliveringstrokerehabilitation11 1.3Telerehabilitation16 1.4Providingsupportandinformation17 1.5Cognitivefunctioning18 1.6Psychologicalfunctioning19 1.7Fatigue20 1.8Vision21 1.9Hearing21 ...
Guidelines for acute medical emergencies are being developed by NICE in the UK. The guideline aims to look at all settings where NHS care is provided for acute medical emergencies, including ambulance teams, out-of-hours general-practitioner services, as well as accident-and-emergency units. Spec...
about their care, as described in NICE''s information on making decisions about your care. Making decisions using NICE guidelines explains how we use words to show the strength (or certainty) of our recommendations, and has information about ...
1.D词义猜测题【关键句】The guidelines, which are out for public consultation,aim to encourage people to use sterile needle and syringeprogrammes to stem the spread of infections.释义:指导方针的目的是鼓励人们使用无菌针头和注射器,以阻止传染病的传播。目前正在向公众征求对修改草案的意见。【解析】综合...
本指南由NICE指南更新团队(Guideline Updates Team,GUT)根据NICE指南开发方法制定的( guidelines-the-manual.pdf)。 GUT成立了一个指南委员会,其中包括医疗保健和相关专业人...
Prof Martin Marshall, chair of the RCGP, said: "The College has been delighted to work with NICE and SIGN to develop these clinical guidelines. We hope they will be useful for GPs and other healthcare professionals and will have a positive impact on the care delivered to patients with prolo...