19 Pneumonia in adults: diagnosis and management (CG191) immunocompromised, or in whom management of pneumonia is an expected part of end-of-life care. For guidance on antibiotic treatment of pneumonia, see NICEs guidelines on pneumonia (community-acquired): antimicrobial prescribing and pneumonia (...
The National Institute of Care and Health Excellence (NICE) in England and Wales has recommended that family doctors use the C-reactive protein test before prescribing antibiotics for treatment of pneumonia. Pneumonia affects 5-11 per 1000 people in the UK every year, and is diagnosed in 5-12...
nice获得性pneumonia指南肺炎guideline PneumoniaDiagnosisandmanagementofcommunity-andhospital-acquiredpneumoniainadultsIssued:December2014NICEclinicalguideline191guidance.nice.uk/cg191NICEhasaccreditedtheprocessusedbytheCentreforClinicalPracticeatNICEtoproduceguidelines.Accreditationisvalidfor5yearsfromSeptember2009andapplies...
aspirationpneumonia(seethesectiononmouthcare).[2013] 1.11.9Healthcareprofessionalswithrelevantskillsandtraininginthediagnosis, assessmentandmanagementofswallowingdisordersshouldregularly monitorandreassesspeoplewithdysphagiaafterstrokewhoarehaving modifiedfoodandliquiduntiltheyarestable(thisrecommendationis ...
Guidelines for the management of hospital-acquired pneumonia in the UK: report of the Working Party on Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. J Antimicrob Chemother 2008;62:5–34. 返回引文位置Google Scholar 百度学术 万方数据 10 National Institute for ...
Oral bacteria and inflammation from gum disease can affect the respiratory system, potentially exacerbating conditions like pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Maintaining good oral hygiene becomes crucial in preventing these complications. Pregnancy and Oral Health Pregnant individuals ...
关键词: Humans Medical History Taking Pilot Projects Safety Medical Errors Drug Utilization Review Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated Practice Guidelines as Topic DOI: 10.1308/003588408X301280 年份: 2008 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 免费下载 求助全文 Semantic Scholar 万方医学 www.ingentaconnect....
Predicting the Need for Mechanical Ventilation and/or Inotropic Support for Young Adults Admitted to the Hospital with Community‐Acquired Pneumonia and arterial pH) was superior to both the CURB65 (confusion, urea, respiratory rate, systolic or diastolic blood pressure, and age >or=65 years) scor...
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19 Pneumonia in adults: diagnosis and management (CG191) immunocompromised, or in whom management of pneumonia is an expected part of end-of-life care. For guidance on antibiotic treatment of pneumonia, see NICEs guidelines on pneumonia (community-acquired): antimicrobial prescribing and pneumonia (...