New NICE guidelines for diabetes: Full access to continuous glucose monitoring for all people with type 1 diabetesSze May NgDiabetes Care for Children & Young People
see NICE''s guidelines on cardiovascular disease: identifying and supporting people most at risk of dying early, type 1 diabetes in adults, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) ? people with a smoking-related illness (see NICE''s guideline on lung cancer) Tobacco: preventing uptake,...
It has been said that managing type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is easy. It has never been easy, for patients or professionals. Nowadays it is much more complex. So the NICE guideline development group (GDG) had a very challenging task. The first draft aroused a flurry of comments. Unusually, ...
The impact of the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) diabetes in pregnancy guidelines (NICE CG 63, 2008) on care and outcomes based on... To enable standardisation of care of pancreatic cancer patients and facilitate improvement in outcome, the United Kingdom's National Ins...
The new NICE guidelines for type 2 diabetes – a critical analysis There are positive changes, particularly emphasizing the need to discuss and respond to patient preference. The sections on lifestyle change, diet and patient education represent high-quality guidance. The use of self-monitoring of...
Diabetes UK warned of a 'hidden health crisis' and has urged action to prioritise finding undiagnosed cases of the condition. Press Association 06 Feb 2025 Automated Insulin Delivery Is Promising in New Moms With T1D Automated insulin delivery using a hybrid closed-loop system during the first 6...
2017+NICE诊断指南:多频生物电阻抗装置指导慢性肾病患者进行血液透析时的液体管理(DG.29).pdf,Multiple frequency bioimpedanceMultiple frequency bioimpedance dedevices to guide fluid management invices to guide fluid management in people with chronic kidnepe
22、ith severe liver or renal disease, diabetes or burns. They also do not apply to patients needing inotropes and those on intensive monitoring, and so they have less relevance to intensive care settings and patients during surgical anaesthesia. Patients with traumatic brain injury (including patie...
Telehealth interventions to support self-management of long-term conditions: a systematic metareview of diabetes, heart failure, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cancer. J Med Internet Res. 2017;19:e172. Article Google Scholar de Jong MJ, van der Meulen-de JAE, Romberg-Camps...
The guideline pays sufficient attention to CKD-specific drugs and their dosing and monitoring. Prevention of acute kidney injury is extensively discussed in NICE guideline 169 on acute kidney injury. The consequences and dangers of other drugs however are not tackled. Diabetes and cardiovascular ...