New NICE guidelines for diabetes: Full access to continuous glucose monitoring for all people with type 1 diabetesSze May NgDiabetes Care for Children & Young People
点上方蓝字“idiabetes”关注我们, 然后点右上角“…”菜单,选择“设为星标” 甲状腺毒症是临床常见的甲状腺功能异常表现,合理、全面的评估是其正确管理的基石。本文介绍2019年英国国家卫生与临床优化研究所(NICE)《甲状腺疾病评估和管理指南》[1]中对甲状腺毒症的评估...
但真实世界的情况是,将有各种压力施加于医生身上,迫使他们遵循该指南的建议。 编译自:Proposed UK Diabetes Guidelines Could Harm Patient Care.Medscape.February 25, 2015
ricanHeartAssociationTaskForceonClinicalPracticeGuidelines[J]. JournaloftheAmericanCollegeofCardiology,2019,73(2):e285- e350.DOI: [31]FungC,WanE,ChanA,etal.Statinusereducescardiovasc ulareventsandall-causemortalityamongstChinesepatientswithtyp e2diabetesmellitus...
The guidelines manual. 2012. 返回引文位置Google Scholar 百度学术 万方数据 [7] National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's Health. Diabetes (type 1 and type 2) in children and young people: diagnosis and management. (NICE...
2015年12月,NICE发布2型糖尿病指南更新(以下简称指南),共包括6大要点,专注于个性化健康管理助力成人2型糖尿病管理。指南更新关注于调整建议和个体化治疗,考虑患者合并症,重新评估患者需求。 指南强调了2型糖尿病成年患者结构化教育和/或患者家庭成员或护理人员帮...
Bilous讲到,采用更严格标准诊断出更多妊娠糖尿病女性可能有潜在负面影响,如需采取医学方法管理其妊娠,且将其置于干预风险中,而NICE切点的建立基于对各种阈值的卫生巾济学分析。 编译自:NICE 2015 Guidelines Miss Some Women With Gestational Diabetes. Medscape. Jun 18, 2015....
see NICE''s guidelines on cardiovascular disease: identifying and supporting people most at risk of dying early, type 1 diabetes in adults, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) ? people with a smoking-related illness (see NICE''s guideline on lung cancer) ...
3Lipid-loweringtreatmentforpeoplewithtype1diabetes31 Rationaleandimpact32 Fullformalriskassessment32 Communicationaboutriskassessment,lifestylechangesandtreatment34 Aspirinforprimarypreventionofcardiovasculardisease35 Cardioprotectivediet36 Discussionsandassessmentbeforestartingstatins36 ...
It has been said that managing type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is easy. It has never been easy, for patients or professionals. Nowadays it is much more complex. So the NICE guideline development group (GDG) had a very challenging task. The first draft aroused a flurry of comments. Unusually, ...