Depression in adults, including those with a chronic physical health problem: summary of NICE guidance - Pilling, Anderson, et al. - 2009 () Citation Context ... depression, a “wait and see” policy is preferred as well as the use of behavioural interventions as the first choice approach ...
prescribing medicines (including off-label use), professional guidelines, standards and laws (including on consent and mental capacity), and safeguarding. This guideline should be read alongside NICE''s guidelines on patient experience in adult NHS services and babies, children and young people''s ...
prescribing medicines (including off-label use), professional guidelines, standards and laws (including on consent and mental capacity), and safeguarding. This guideline should be read alongside NICE''s guidelines on patient experience in adult NHS services and babies, children and young people''s ...
2023+NICE指南:成人卒中康复(NG.236).pdf,Stroke rehabilitation in adults NICE guideline Published: 18 October 2023 .uk/guidance/ng236 © NICE 2023. All rights reserved. Subject to Notice of rights (.uk/terms-and- conditions#notice-of-rights). Stroke r
Management of depression in adults: summary of updated NICE guidance Published: 2022 -11 -18 · DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1007-9742.2022.11.1141614 679 0 1 10 1PDF下载摘要 自英国国家健康与临床优选研究所(NICE)2009年发布抑郁症指南版本 1 以来,抑郁症的患病率有所上升 2 ,特别是在COVID-19大...
You should be alert to possible depression (particularly in people with a past history of depression or a chronic physical health problem with associated functional impairment) and consider asking people who may have depression two questions, specifically: ...
technology in the NHS, as well as the cost-effectiveness of its services. NICE co-ordinates the National Collaborating Centres from whom it commissions the development of clinical practice guidelines, gives advice on best clinical practice to the NHS and produces and disseminates clinical guidelines...
The case in point will be the draft guideline on the recognition and management of depression in adults, which was sent out for stakeholder consultation between July and September 2017. Reviewing these with a scientific lens and from a position of psychotherapeutic neutrality, I found myself ...
The social and cultural construction of psychiatric knowledge: an analysis of NICE guidelines on depression and ADHD: Anthropology & Medicine: Vol 20, No 1 The current paper presents an analysis of the NICE guidelines on depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) from the perspect...