NICE updates bipolar disorder guidelinesdoi:10.1007/s40274-014-1591-7NoneSpringer International PublishingPharmacoeconomics & Outcomes News
treatment and management of affective psychoses (such as bipolar disorder or unipolar psychotic depression) are covered by other NICE guidelines. The guideline does not address the specific treatment of young people under the age of 18 years, except those who are ...
Replication of ketamine's antidepressant efficacy in bipolar depression: a rando- mized controlled add-on trial. Biol Psychiatry 2012; 71: 939–946. 31 Murrough JW, Perez AM, Pillemer S, Stern J, Parides MK, Aan Het RM et al. Rapid and longer-term antidepressant effects of repeated ...
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines on bipolar disorder (2006) stipulate that valproate should be avoided in women of child bearing potential. These recommend that if no alternatives can be identified, it should be ensured that the woman is using adequate ...