at all other antenatal appointments if the pregnant woman: ? smokes or ? is quitting or ? used to smoke or ? tested with 4 parts per million (ppm) or above at the first antenatal appointment. [2023] 1.18.2 Provide an opt-out referral to receive stop-smoking support for all pregnant wo...
Reports on the British National Institute for Clinical Excellence's release of antenatal care guidelines in 2003. Reduction of the number of routine appointments for pregnant women; Goal of ensuring that women receive similar prenatal care whethe...
at all other antenatal appointments if the pregnant woman: ? smokes or ? is quitting or ? used to smoke or ? tested with 4 parts per million (ppm) or above at the first antenatal appointment. [2023] 1.18.2 Provide an opt-out referral to receive stop-smoking support for all pregnant wo...