( 2008 ). NICE guidance on diabetes in pregnancy: management of diabetes and its complications from preconception to the postnatal period. NICE clinical guideline 63 . London, March 2008. Diabetic Medicine 25 , 1025 – 1027 .Walker JD. NICE guidance on diabetes in pregnancy:management of ...
A/ABC/ACPM/ADA/AGS/APhA/ASPC/NLA/PCNAGuidelineontheManagementof BloodCholesterol:AReportoftheAmericanCollegeofCardiology/Ame ricanHeartAssociationTaskForceonClinicalPracticeGuidelines[J]. JournaloftheAmericanCollegeofCardiology,2019,73(24):e285-
基于近年来陆续揭晓的一系列循证医学研究新证据,英国健康与临床优化研究所(NICE)更新了2型糖尿病诊疗指南(Type 2 Diabetes: National Clinical Guideline for Managem... 郭艺芳 - 《临床荟萃》 被引量: 0发表: 2010年 成人2型糖尿病的管理:NICE指南更新概要 2009年版指南的更新基于血糖管理,抗血小板治疗以及勃起...
NICE2009.NationalClinicalGuidelineNumber82 2014NICE指南更新 精神病急性发作 2009 服务水平干预 2014 服务水平干预治疗方案 药物干预 药物干预精神和社会心理干预攻击性行为的处理急性发作后的早期处理 快速神经阻滞剂的应用精神和社会心理干预 急性发作后的早期处理 更新要点:1、急性期在药物干预之前,加入治疗方案部分2...
2015. http://pathways.nice.org.uk/pathways/diabetes-in-children-and-youngpeople. 返回引文位置Google Scholar 百度学术 万方数据 [11] National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Type 1 diabetes in adults: diagnosis and management. (NICE guideline 17.) 2015. www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng...
National Clinical Guideline Number 178 NICE指南-治疗过程中须规律、系统监测 症状改变 行为改变治疗有效性 考虑药物副作用与精神分裂症临床特征所重叠的部分 药物副作用对功能的影响药物副作用 发生时间及表现运动障碍 前6周每周测定一次,治疗第12周及满1年分别测定,此后每年测定一次(绘制图表)体重 治疗第12周及满...
up smoking. The guideline brings together and updates all NICE''s previous guidelines on using tobacco, including smokeless tobacco. It covers nicotine replacement therapy and e-cigarettes to help people stop smoking or reduce their harm from smoking. It does not ...
1.1 1.1.1 Diagnosis Be aware that there is an increased risk of cirrhosis in people who: have hepatitis B virus infection have hepatitis C virus infection misuse alcohol are obese (BMI of 30 kg/m2 or higher) have type 2 diabetes. Also see the NICE guidelines on: non-alcoholic fatty ...
NICE 2009. National Clinical Guideline Number 82 NICE 2014. National Clinical Guideline Number 178 2009 2014 更新要点:1、急性期在药物干预之前,加入治疗方案部分 2、药物干预部分的更新和细化 3、强调对于攻击性行为处理,而不仅仅强调快速精神阻滞剂的应用 2014NICE指南更新 NICE 2009. NICE 2014. NICE指南-...
•bloodpressure(seeNICEsguidelineonhypertensioninadults) •BMIorothermeasureofobesity(seeNICEsguidelineonobesity: identification,assessmentandmanagement) •fulllipidprofile •diabetesstatus •renalfunction •transaminaselevel(alanineaminotransferaseoraspartateaminotransferase) •thyroid-stimulatinghormonelevelin...