This guideline was developed by the National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's Health. They worked with the Guideline Development Group to review the evidence and write the recommendations. It is linked to other NICE guidance on Bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia and ...
NICE guideline issued on treating fever in under-5s How to assess and manage young children with a raised temperature is the subject of National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidance published this week."Feverish illness in children:assessment and initial management in chi... The ...
[1]NICE: Fever in under 5s: assessment and initial management. Clinical guideline [CG160] [2]AAP:...
[1]NICE: Fever in under 5s: assessment and initial management. Clinical guideline [CG160] [2]AAP: How to Take a Child's Temperature_ Taking Your Child...
Clinical decision making can be difficult, but it is clearly stated in the NICE guidelines that "the guidance does not, however, override the individual responsibility of healthcare professionals to make decisions appropriate to the circumstances of the individual patient, in consultation with the ...
1.1.2For children under 5 with an acute cough and fever, follow the NICE guideline onfever in under 5s: assessment and initial management. 1.1.3For adults with an acute cough and suspected pneumonia, follow the NICE guideline onpneumonia in adults: diagnosis and management. ReferrReferral and...
1.1.2 For children under 5 with an acute cough and fever, follow the NICE guideline on fever in under 5s: assessment and initial management. 1.1.3 For adults with an acute cough and suspected pneumonia, follow the NICE guideline on pneumonia in adults: diagnosis and management. Referr...
While Secretary Hyun keeps stalling Secretary Jo, Maru and Eun-ki stand back to back against her door. Still holding the children’s book, Maru calmly begins to tell the story of their past; how they met on a plane when he performed first aid, and then when she had a motorcycle acciden...
The TB service should include specialised nurses and health visitors, and all active TB in children should be managed by a TB specialist, and paediatric trained nursing staff, where possible. This reflects the recommendation for multidisciplinary teams and the new guidance renames TB services as the...
acute sore throat ,offering recommendations for the which is of great significance for antimicrobial prescribing for acute sore throat among China s choice of antibiotic and self-care , ENT doctors and general practitioners under the conditions of lack of a guidance for prescribing for this disease....