NICE referral guidelines for suspected cancer - Research Database, The University of Dundeedoi:10.1177/0004563215612507Benton, S.Steele, R.Logan, R.Djedovic, N.Smith, S.Addison, C.Annals of Clinical Biochemistry An International Journal of Biochemistry & Laboratory Medicine...
Lungcancer:diagnosisandmanagementLungcancer:diagnosisandmanagement NICEguideline Published:28March2019 ©NICE2019.Allrightsreserved.SubjecttoNoticeofrights( rights). http://guide.medlive/ ...
appropriate) information about their risk of developing colorectal cancer and about colonoscopic surveillance, in line with the NICE guidelines on: colorectal cancer prevention: colonoscopic surveillance in adults with ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease or adenomas suspected cancer: recognition and referral. ...
NICE looks to lower the bar for cancer referral.The article reports on the release of a draft guideline on cancer referral by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in Great Britain in late November 2014. The updated guideline is designed to help general practitioners (...
NICE referral guidelines for suspected cancer: colorectal cancer and faecal occult blood testing. Ann Clin Biochem. 2016;53(1):7–9. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Fraser CG, Strachan JA. A nicer approach to the use of 'faecal occult blood tests' in assessment of the symptomatic. Ann ...
NICE referral guidelines for suspected cancer: colorectal cancer and faecal occult blood testing. Ann Clin Biochem. 2016;53(1):7–9. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Fraser CG, Strachan JA. A nicer approach to the use of 'faecal occult blood tests' in assessment of the symptomatic. Ann ...
Despite all the criticism, there is some clear sense in what NICE had highlighted. Aortic aneurysms are largely asymptomatic and occur in the elderly, who often have limited life expectancy secondary to comorbid conditions such as ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer,...
Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK; 4Department of Neurosurgery, Leeds General Inf irmary, Leeds LS1 3EX, UK BACKGROUND: Brain tumours account for o2% of all primary neoplasms but are responsible for 7% of the years of life lost from cancer before age 70 years. Th...
(FIT) for triage of people presenting with lower abdominal symptoms, where a referral to secondary care for investigation of suspected colorectal cancer (CRC) is being considered, particularly when the two week criteria are not met.: We conducted a systematic review following published guidelines ...
Do new NICE oral cancer referral guidelines (NG12) risk delay in cancer diagnosis? An audit comparing outcomes of the new guidelines against old guidelinesdoi:10.1016/j.bjoms.2016.11.011Patel, JaymitGrimes, DavidAvery, ChristopherBritish Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery...