? the likelihood that they will follow the course of treatment ? their previous experience of stop-smoking aids ? do not favour one course of treatment over another; together, choose the one that seems most likely to succeed taking into account the above. [2010] Tobacco: preventing uptake, p...
250mg to 500mg four times a day or 500mg to 1,000mg twice a day for 5days Doxycycline412 to 17years, 200mg on first day, then 100mg once a day for 4days (5-day course in total) 1SeeBNF for childrenfor appropriate use and dosing in specific populations, for example, hepatic impa...
2019 NICE指南:肺炎(社区获得性)的抗菌药物处方.pdf,Pneumonia (Pneumonia (community-acquired):community-acquired): antimicrobial prescribingantimicrobial prescribing NICE guideline Published: 16 September 2019 .uk/guidance/ng138 © NICE 2019. All right
? the likelihood that they will follow the course of treatment ? their previous experience of stop-smoking aids ? do not favour one course of treatment over another; together, choose the one that seems most likely to succeed taking into account the above. [2010] Tobacco: preventing uptake, p...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 2018年NICE指南:咽喉痛(急性)抗菌药物处方(NG.84) (1).pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Sore throat (acuteSore throat (acute): antimicrobial): antimicrobial prescribingprescribing NICE guideline Published: 26 January 2018 .uk...