As her funky symphony to her man vacillates between scolding and tenderness, anger and capitulation--all the while throwing asides to her kids (in the song) and then to the female barbershop-style singers (in the real-life studio) she calls her "background" i.e. ...
Links to mp3's, CD's and song samples are available by going to the artist's name in either Daddy B. Nice'sCD Storeor Daddy B. Nice'sComprehensive Index. A permanent listing and link in Daddy B. Nice'sComprehensive Indexwill eventually be made on behalf of each performer for each nom...
Sir Charles satisfies the void left since songs like "Take Care Of Momma" and "For Better Or Worse." The most vintage-sounding of all the songs on the new CD. Convincingly--for true Charles fans, therapeutically--fresh. Listen to Sir Charles Jones singing "Expire" on YouTube. Sample/Buy...