and there he saw Cesare Borgia cheated into allowing the choice of the College to fall on Giuliano delle Rovere (Pope Julius II), who was one of the cardinals that had most reason to fear the duke. Machiavelli, when commenting on this election, says that he ...
Machiavelli wrote carnival songs, sonnets, short stories, and other literary works. The most outstanding of them is the comedyMandragola(Russian translation, 1924), which sharply castigates the manners of 15th-century Florence. In particular, the comedy attacks the hypocrisy and corruption of the ...
MACHIAVELLI 1 Niccolo Machiavelli, an Italian statesman and political philosopher of the early sixth century, is considered the founder of modem political thinking. Machiavelli was a product of Renaissance Florence, a city-state that was struggling for e
Until at least the 17th century, when Enlightenment scholar Isaac Casaubon redated the Hermes writings to the 1-3rd centuries C.E., Hermes Trismegistus ("thrice-greatest") was known to the Western world as the most ancient, and thus most reverred, prisca sapientia.;The Neoplatonism of the ...
Niccolo Machiavelli, Italian Renaissance political philosopher, statesman, and secretary of the Florentine republic. His most famous work is The Prince (Il Principe), which brought him a reputation as an atheist and an immoral cynic. Read here to learn m
Sage, realist, genius or devil? Machiavelli – the 16th-century Florentine statesman, philosopher and author – not so much divides opinion as dices it.
Machiavelli’s younger contemporaryFrancesco Guicciardini(1483–1540) shared some of Machiavelli’s attitudes but not his rationale for studying history. “It is most fallacious,” he wrote, “to judge by examples; because unless these be in all respects parallel they are of no use, the least ...