模拟器外形简洁,操作简单方便,内置泵,可产生高达400 mmHg(53.3 kPa)的压力。模拟器提供动态血压模拟,静态压力校准,自动泄漏测试和减压阀测试。可以快速准确地分析不同的NIBP监护仪。 CONTEC MS200 NIBP模拟器血压监测仪准确度模拟测试,NIBP Simulator无创血压模拟器主要特点: 提供压力表测试、压力泄漏测试、安全阀测试等...
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The BPA700 is an advanced NIBP simulator uniquely designed to assess the performance of NIBP monitors and ensure they provide precise, reliable blood pressure measurements. This application note provides an overview of the critical need for rigorous NIBP monitor testing and demonstrates how the speciali...
1. 1. 本外观设计产品的名称:无创血压模拟仪. This design is the product name: NIBP simulator. 2. 2. 本外观设计产品的用途:本外观设计产品用于多种状态的动态血压模拟,静态压力校准,自动泄漏测试,以及过压释放检验. The product design uses: ambulatory blood pressure simulation of the design of products...
BP Pump 2 NIBP Simulator and Tester Operators Manual PN 2196592 June 2007 © 2007 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in USA All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
Find out all of the information about the BC Group product: NIBP patient simulator NIBP-1010 . Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
SC-3 SimCube® NIBP Simulator NIBP Modes Standard, High, Low, Neonatal NIBP Simulation Standard, High, Neonatal NIBP Simulation Standard, High, Neonatal NIBP Simulation Digital Manometer –400 to + 400 mmHg 0 to +400 mmHg 0 to +400 mmHg ...
Patient monitoring devices require regular performance checks to ensure they are accurate and meet manufacturers specifications. Rigel has a versatile range of patient simulators to meet your needs, including the UNI-SIM; our 6-in-1 multi parameter simulator. All our patient simulation products are ...
1. 1. 本外观设计产品的名称:无创血压模拟仪. This design is the product name: NIBP simulator. 2. 2. 本外观设计产品的用途:本外观设计产品用于多种状态的动态血压模拟,静态压力校准,自动泄漏测试,以及过压释放检验. The product design uses: ambulatory blood pressure simulation of the design of products...
NIBPSimulatorandTester OperatorsManual PN2196592 June2007 ©2007FlukeCorporation,Allrightsreserved.PrintedinUSA Allproductnamesaretrademarksoftheirrespectivecompanies. WarrantyandProductSupport FlukeBiomedicalwarrantsthisinstrumentagainstdefectsinmaterialsand workmanshipforoneyearfromthedateoforiginalpurchase.Duringthewar-...