Encounter of Li Gui-Nian in Jiangnan (Du Fu, 712-770 AD, China) I used to see you at Lord Qi's residence, And at Cuijiu Hall hear your performance. It's the most scenic season now in Jiangnan. How nice, when flowers fly, to see you again....
落花时节又逢君。 Encounter of Li Gui-Nian in Jiangnan (Du Fu, 712-770 AD, China) I used to see you at Lord Qi's residence, And at Cuijiu Hall hear your performance. It's the most scenic season now in Jiangnan. How nice, when flowers fly, to see you again....
落花时节又逢君。 Encounter of Li Gui-Nian in Jiangnan (Du Fu, 712-770 AD, China) I used to see you at Lord Qi's residence, And at Cuijiu Hall hear your performance. It's the most scenic season now in Jiangnan. How nice, when flowers fly, to see you again....
森蓝 @nianjiangnan 森蓝 暂无简介 关注 私信 1 Stars 2 Watches 1 Followers 1 Following 组织 0 3 轻聘项目组 1 4 比翼成婚项目组 0 3 鲨皮辣椒 1 2 美食研究小组 森蓝的个人主页 /星选集 Stars 1 星选集 关注的星选集 ...
我抬头凝望皎洁的月亮,低头思念亲爱的故乡。Now Jiangnan, this truly scenic land of the south, ‘tis hereThat you again I meet, in a season of flowers, all falling. 赏析 这首诗是代宗大历五年(七七〇)暮春,杜甫在潭州(今湖南长沙)江南采访使筵席重逢李龟年时所写。这首绝句抚今思昔,含蓄不露,字...
Semesters and Courses: The Department offers ten Compulsory Courses of four credits each (total 40 Credits). Out of these, three each will be studied in the First and Thirddoi:doi:10.1007/s11184-005-0063-5Zhao, GangTcd Ie
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