Welcome to Niagara-on-the-Lake... The Loveliest Town in Canada Welcome to the official website of the Bed and Breakfast accommodations of Niagara-on-the-Lake. This web site is for travelers who want to experience the fabulous hospitality of historic Niagara-On-The-Lake by staying at one of...
As well, Niagara-On-The-Lake is home to dozens of award-winning wineries producing some of the most revered wines in Canada. Niagara-On-The-Lake's unique geographical location between the Niagara Escarpment and Lake Ontario creates a unique growing climate that produces several varieties of wine...
国家: 加拿大Canada 葡萄: 品丽珠 Cabernet Franc 赤霞珠 Cabernet Sauvignon 威代尔 Vidal 产区介绍 PRODUCER DETAIL Niagara-on-the-Lake是加拿大Ontario的一个地名,位于Ontario湖南部海岸。该地区三面环水。湖泊对温度的调节能力很好使得该地区的生长季节很长,这也导致了该地区很适合生产冰酒。Riesling, Cabernet...
关于“查姆斯酒庄威代尔冰白葡萄酒(Chateau des Charmes Vidal Icewine, Niagara on the Lake, Canada) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自加拿大安大略产区的白葡萄酒。威代尔是最常用来酿造冰酒的葡萄品种之一,它可以被酿成各种不同风格的冰酒。在查姆斯酒庄,威代尔酿成的这款冰酒风格强烈而直接,充满蜂蜜、杏子和满园鲜花的香...
Lakeview Wine Co. is a winery located in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario in the heart of Canada’s premier viticulture district, the Niagara Peninsula.
酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“查姆斯品丽珠干红葡萄酒(庄内装瓶)(Chateau des Charmes Estate Bottled Cabernet Franc, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada) ”的酒款综述 这款酒带有香料和水果的香气,口感平衡,适合陈年5-10年。 猜你喜欢 2022年太阳屋酒庄单一园D雷司令白葡萄酒 新西兰 » 马尔堡|太阳屋酒庄 雷司令...
You're Going to Love Niagara-on-the-Lake Niagara-on-the-Lake is a must-see destination in Ontario, Canada. It is one of the most popular cities to visit in the country. Consider staying at least one whole day in Niagara-on-the-Lake to see all of its attractions. ...
酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“查姆斯品丽珠冰红葡萄酒(Chateau des Charmes Cabernet Franc Icewine, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada) ”的酒款综述 该款酒深宝石红色泽,散发浓郁的黑醋栗和雪松的香气,富有层次感的覆盆子和草莓的香气,恰到好处的酸度与甜味达到了完美的平衡,口感独特。
酒款综述 这是一款来自加拿大安大略产区的白葡萄酒。威代尔是最常用来酿造冰酒的葡萄品种之一,它可以被酿成各种不同风格的冰酒。在查姆斯酒庄,威代尔酿成的这款冰酒风格强烈而直接,充满蜂蜜、杏子和满园鲜花的香气,口感饱满圆润,余味美妙悠长,甜度与酸度十分平衡,品质上乘。
小镇悠久的历史。这里曾经是上加拿大(Upper Canada)的首都。因为离美国太近有军事危险,所以迁往多伦多。 1812年美军占领小镇,撤退时破坏了它。之后英国人又重建小镇。1880年更名为“Niagara on the Lake”,区别于尼亚加拉瀑布城。 现在的尼亚加拉滨湖小镇成了一个集教会、旅游、农业、酿酒、艺术相结合的休闲中心。来小...