A.I. IS A-OK For a long time, many of us have held out hope that the City of Niagara Falls, NY could once again become a “City of the Future.” Niagara Falls provides power to roughly half of the East Coast, including New York City. Genius inventor and “Father ofRead More ...
The following was written by investigative journalist Ken Cosentino. Last month, the City of Niagara Falls, NY received $7,614,846 from New York State as a result of Governor Kathy Hochul strong-arming the Seneca Nation of Indians in 2022 for $564 million in casino money. According to the...
1938 -On January 25th 1938, a south-west gale force wind sent an enormous amount of ice from Lake Erie down the length of the Niagara River and over the both the Horseshoe Falls and American Falls. Quickly two ice bridges developed. The first ice was located at the base of the Horseshoe...