Google Share on Facebook Medical AcronymDefinition NIAAANational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism(National Institutes of Health) NIAAANational Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association NIAAANorthwestern Illinois Area Agency on Aging NIAAANational Indigenous Arts Advocacy Association, Inc. ...
Background: Binge drinking (BD) consists of heavy episodic alcohol use. Whereas the World Health Organization (WHO) defines BD as 60 g of alcohol or more per occasion, the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) conceives BD as drinking 70 g (men) or 56 g (women) ...
VialloningentaconnectDrug & Alcohol DependenceRolland, B., de Chazeron, I., Carpentier, F., Moustafa, F., Viallon, A., Jacob, X., ... & Poulet, E. (2017). Comparison between the WHO and NIAAA criteria for binge drinking on drinking features and alcohol-related aftermaths: Results ...
featuring information from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 2004 is coming NIAAA Moves to Fishers LaneHingson, Ralph W