NI-9881 LED 灯不亮可能的原因及解决方法:供电问题:请确认 NI-9881 的 Vsup 引脚已正确连接至24V DC电源,并确保电源稳定。检查电源接口是否连接良好,使用万用表测量电压是否达标。终端电阻问题:请保证 CAN 总线的两端均接有120Ω的终端电阻。正确连接 CAN_H 和 CAN_L 端的终端电阻,以确保总线通信顺畅。模...
品牌 NI 产品特性 接口模块 是否进口 是 产地 美国 加工定制 否 测量范围 530 测量精度 精确 产品用途 接口模块 颜色 白色 数量 50 可售卖地 全国 型号 NI-9881 产品介绍 产品描述 佳华设备有限公司主营产品;网络分析仪、频谱分析仪、综合测试仪、示波器、信号发生器、信号分析仪、色彩分析仪、...
NI-9881 C系列CANopen接口模块 选择产品 型号Part number保形涂层密封CANOpen通道数量通信协议最大波特率 NI-9881 781673-02 是 是 1 CANopen 1 Mbits/s NI-9881 781673-01 否 是 1 CANopen 1 Mbits/s sbRIO-9881 785966-01 否 否 1 CANopen 1 Mbits/s NI 授权经销商 NI咨询专线:021...
The NI‑9881 is a high-speed CANopen interface for developing CANopen applications in LabVIEW software on CompactRIO hardware. CANopen is the application layer that sits on top of the CAN physical layer often used for industrial automation applications. It was designed for motion-oriented machine...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现咨询客服美国原装正品NI9881现货出售 功能包好 有意私聊议价的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于咨询客服美国原装正品NI9881现货出售 功能包好 有意私聊议价的信息,请来淘宝深入
MODULE ASSY,NI 9881 1-PORT CANOPEN CSERIES MODULE 标志描述证书 EU & UK Declarations of Conformity (DoC) 下载PDF ABS, Marine 查看 Demko, ATEX 下载PDF Demko, Product Safety 下载PDF IECEX, Potentially Explosive Atmospheres 查看 KC, EMC 下载PDF Lloyds, Marine 下载PDF UL, HazLoc 查...
© Phoenix Contact. NI has not reviewed the Component Models, does not support the Component Models, and does not guarantee the quality of the Component Models in any way. NI will in no case be liable for your use, or the results of your use, of the Models. NI AND ITS LICENSORS MA...
I am going to use a NI-9881 CANopen interface. I already own a cRIO-9014 controller and a cRIO-9102 chassis or a cRIO-9075 integrated chassis.Is the 9881 supported in this configuration?Can I use this module with a cRIO-910x chassis or with a cRIO-907x chassis?