Ni-based alloys 高温合金按照基体的不同,分为:铁基高温合金,镍基高温合金与钴基高温合金。其中镍基高温合金简称镍基合金。 按照主要主要性能又细分为镍基耐热合金,镍基耐蚀合金,镍基耐磨合金,镍基精密合金与镍基形状记忆合金等: 镍基耐热合金 主要合金元素有铬、钨、钼、钴、铝、钛、硼、锆等。其中Cr,Ai等...
Ni-based alloysA Ni-based alloy consisting of, by weightOhashi TsuneakiTsuno NobuoIwata Koichi
此外,随着Fe含量的增加,NiIII/NiII峰位置呈正移动(图5a),这源于原子尺度的结构或组织。假设GI-XRD(图2e)在激活后的活性表面层中确定了α-Ni(OH)2相(或NiFe LDH相),如Fe掺杂的Ni(OH)2(参考文献23)、混合NiFe氧化氢14和激活钢34,Fe可能被置换到α-Ni(OH)2基体中的Ni位置19,49;这可能导致α-Ni(OH)2...
17.Investigation on Preparing and Properties of New Nickel-Based Amorphous Alloys;新型镍基非晶合金的制备与性能研究 18.The Research on Mechanism of GH4133B Superalloy after Fatigue at Elevated Temperature;镍基高温合金GH4133B的高温疲劳行为研究 相关短句/例句 nickel-base alloy镍基合金 1.Determination of...
Yang: Solidification of undercooled molten Ni-based alloys. Metall. Mater. Trans. B 32(3), 449 (2001).F. Liu,D. W. Zhao,G. C. Yang.Solidification of undercooled molten Ni-based alloys[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B .2001(3)...
REACTOR CHLORIDE C-276 摘要 The Ni-based alloys Incoloy 800, Incoloy 825, Inconel 625, and Hastelloy C-276 exposed to subcritical water (350 degrees C, 25 MPa) and supercritical water (450 degrees C, 25 MPa) with high concentrations of chloride and oxygen were analyzed by using scanning el...
NiFe-based oxo-hydroxides are highly active for the oxygen evolution reaction but require complex synthesis and are poorly durable when deposited on foreign supports. Herein we demonstrate that easily processable, Earth-abundant and cheap Fe–Ni alloys spontaneously develop a highly active NiFe oxo-hyd...
The aim of the work was to investigate corrosion resistance of highly alloyed steels and Ni-based alloys in a steam atmosphere for 1000 h at 700 °C. In these steam oxidation experiments, two solid...DOI: 10.1007/S11085-017-9818-1 年份...
alloys with TEOS and two surfactants(PEG200,PEG20000).The open-circuit potential and pitting potential of the two Ni-based alloys increased significantly after application of SiO2 coating.Therefore,the corrosion resistance of the two Ni-based alloys may be significantly enhanced after surface ...
The APB energy is sensitive to alloy composition, which provides a rich design space one can explore when optimizing the composition of alloys to provide higher yield strength and creep resistance. With so many degrees of freedom, however, it would be difficult and prohibitively expensive to rely...