Re-enter the animated world of Ni no Kuni in the latest role-playing masterpiece developed by LEVEL-5. Explore a beautifully crafted world and experience the gripping story in an all-new RPG adventure.
Lose yourself in the ultimate Ni no Kuni experience with this Prince's edition including: -Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (full game) -Two future game expansions that add hours of additional gameplay -The Prince's equipment package
- Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (full game) - Expansions that add hours of additional gameplay - Prince's Equipment Pack Join the young king, Evan, as he sets out on an epic quest to found a new kingdom, unite his world, and save its people from a terrible evil. ...
购买Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom Season Pass来取得即将到来的史诗级扩展体验,探索新地下城、取得独家奖励、数小时以上的游戏时间。 欢迎回到Ni no Kuni! 若要使用本追加内容,需先购买个别发售的制品版游戏光碟或先从PlayStation®Store购买游戏的制品版及完成最新的在线更新。
踏入这令人难忘的冒险旅程,像动画又像游戏令人难以分辨的界限。Ni no Kuni II是由 LEVEL-5开发,传说级的美术家Yoshiyuki Momose(百濑 义行)担任角色设计,游戏配乐即是由享誉国际的Joe Hisaishi(久石 让)担当。 Accolades Polygon 9/10 NI NO KUNI 2 IS THE FULL PACKAGE, TYING TOGETHER A WIDE VARIETY OF ...
Lose yourself in the ultimate Ni no Kuni experience with this Prince's Edition including: - Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (full game) - Game expansions that add hours of additional gameplay - The Prince's Equipment Package Join the young king Evan as he sets out on an epic quest to...
關於Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom - The Prince's Edition 關於這個 game 踏上開放世界的冒險之旅,在Ni no Kuni II:Revenant Kingdom中擊敗怪物並創造一個新的王國。抓住你的Steam鍵進行遊戲,這對於評論家來說已經非常受歡迎,因其迷人的世界而備受讚譽,並成為Steam PC最好的JRPG之一!
Lose yourself in the ultimate Ni no Kuni experience with this Prince's Edition including: - Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (full game) - Game expansions that add hours of additional gameplay - The Prince's Equipment Package Join the young king Evan as he sets out on an epic qu...
Ni no Kuni II是由 LEVEL-5開發,傳說級的美術家Yoshiyuki Momose(百瀨 義行)擔任角色設計,遊戲配樂即是由享譽國際的Joe Hisaishi(久石 讓)擔當。 ※說明文為廠商提供。 通知 減價期間至2024年11月17日 23:59為止。 需要空間 10.6GB 遊玩模式 遊玩人數 × 1 對應控制器 Nintendo Switch Pro Controller 保管...
ENTER YOUR DATE OF BIRTH Description Lose yourself in the ultimate Ni no Kuni experience with this Prince's Edition including: - Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (full game) - Expansions that add hours of additional gameplay - Prince's Equipment Pack Join the young king, Evan, as he se...