Taking things into consideration, Ni Multisim isone of the best solutionsfor electric circuit design. The app comes packed with features that help users in designing, analyzing, and creating electric circuits. More than that, it simplifies the process, making it a great tool for students and com...
Try Multisim Live™ Software License Options and Services Software is available in both subscription and perpetual license terms. An NI software service agreement is included with active subscription licenses. For perpetual licenses, an NI software service agreement is...
NI趋势瞭望 为未知的未来做好准备 现代化的实验室不仅仅是一个经过改造的工作场所,它的核心应该是充满灵活性的,这样才能助力组织蓬勃发展,并提升工具性能、提高人员效率以及优化流程。
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NI的自动化测试和测量系统将助您打破桎梏,化不可能为可能。让我们携手合作,选择最适合您的硬件、软件和服务组合,为您提供全副武装,助您成就非凡。迅速响应,与时俱进 测试要求和市场趋势瞬息万变。您的需求在不断变化,我们亦与时俱进。我们的系统可以轻松集成新技术,并支持最新的工程方法,助您加速创新。精诚...
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DISCUSSION FORUMS Ask questions, explore solutions, and participate in discussions with other NI Community members. EXAMPLE CODE Find example programs to use as a starting point for your application. LEARNING RESOURCES Online Training Access hundreds of self-paced lessons and application-focused learning...
关于“NI杯”赛题的更详细说明和报名通道,可点击大赛官网地址: http://univ.ciciec.com/nd.jsp?id=356#_jcp=1 附: 赛题中用到的软硬件平台介绍 1. Multisim&Ultiboard软件 Multisim是受到国内外教师和电子工程师广泛认可、业界一流的SPICE仿...
Multisim With powerful learning features and myDAQ integration, Multisim teaches students foundational concepts in analog, digital, and power electronics throughout the engineering curriculum. NI ELVIS The NI Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS) combines multiple instruments with ...
NI非常知名产品有图形开发环境 LabVIEW、C 语言虚拟仪器应用系统 LabWindows / CVI、集成电路分析程序 NI Multisim 等等;硬件产品包括 VXI 总线、PXI 总线、VME 总线的框架与模块,IEEE-488 接口以及内部整合电路和其他自动化技术的标准。如果收购案最终达成,那么工程师们熟知的LabVIEW将易主。