Supported Hardware Known Issues Bug Fixes Additional Programming Topics Automating the Installation of NI Products Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10 Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.1 LabVIEW NXG Support and Considerations Legal Information ...
Supported Hardware Known Issues Additional Programming Topics Automating the Installation of NI Products Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10 Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.1 NI-XNET Drops Support for Windows 7 (32- and 64-Bit), Windows Server 2008 R2, and All 32-Bit Windows ...
NI 9860 (C Series Hardware-Selectable) Supported platforms for XNET C Series modules: CompactDAQ—NI-DAQmx 9.6 (or newer) is required for: USB Chassis: NI cDAQ-9171, NI cDAQ-9174, and NI cDAQ-9178 Ethernet Chassis: NI cDAQ-9181, NI cDAQ-9184, and NI cDAQ-9188 ...
NI 9860モジュールおよびXNETポート搭載cDAQに対する機能が改善されました (ファームウェアの更新が必要)。 LabVIEW 2013のサポートが削除されました。 CVI 2010のサポートが削除されました。 NI-XNET 16.1の新機能およびNI-XNET 16.0からの変更点NI-XNET 16.1では、以下の機能が追加されました。
Improvements that require a firmware update for NI 9860 modules and the cDAQ integrated XNET port. Removed support for LabVIEW 2013. Removed support for CVI 2010. New NI-XNET 16.1 Features and Changes as Compared to NI-XNET 16.0 The NI-XNET 16.1 release adds the following features: ...
August 2020 In dieser Datei finden Sie wichtige Hinweise zu NI-XNET, u. a. zur Installation und zu bekannten Problemen. Überblick Unterstützte Betriebssysteme Unterstützte Entwicklungsumgebungen Installationshinweise Produktsicherheit und kritische Updates ...
Improvements that require a firmware update for NI 9860 modules and the cDAQ integrated XNET port. Removed support for LabVIEW 2013. Removed support for CVI 2010.Supported HardwareUSB-8501 Low-Speed/Fault Tolerant USB CAN Interface Device USB-8502 High-Speed/FD USB CAN Interface Device USB-8506 ...
It then configures a cyclic transmission and/or reception in the driver and NI-XNET firmware. From the application, you simply update the value, and NI-XNET automatically transmits the newest value during the next cycle. NI-XNET also features Queued sessions, which you can use to queue up ...
Supported Hardware Known Issues Bug Fixes Additional Programming Topics Automating the Installation of NI Products Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10 Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.1 LabVIEW NXG Support and Considerations Legal Information ...
Verbesserungen, die ein Firmware-Update für Module des Typs NI 9860 und den in cDAQ integrierten XNET-Port erforderlich machen Wegfall der Unterstützung von LabVIEW 2013 Wegfall der Unterstützung von CVI 2010 Unterstützte Hardware USB-8501 (USB-CAN-Schnittstellengerät, Low-Speed/Fault To...