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NHXMH-J / NHXMH-O Low voltage cables LS0H sheathed single core cable CONSTRUCTION FEATURES CONDUCTOR Solid annealed plain copper, (RE) class 1 or stranded annealed plain copper, (RM) class 2. INSULATION Cross-linked Polyethylene. COLOUR OF THE CORES Green/yellow (NHXMH-J) or bla...
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UC MC Rubber sheathed flexible cable for coal-cutting mining 0.38/0.66kv Driller connection under the mine shaft UCP MCP Screened rubber-jacketed flexible cable for coal cutting machine 0.38/0.66kv, 0.66/1.14kv, 1.9/3,3kv driller connection under the mine shaft UY MY Rubbe...
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VDE 0250-214-2002 Cables@ wires and cords for power installation - Part 214: Installation cable NHXMH with improved properties in the event of fire的最新版本是哪一版? 最新版本是VDE 0250-214-2002。 VDE 0250-214-2002的历代版本如下: 2002年VDE 0250-214-2002Cables@ wires and cords for power ...
VDE 0250-214-2002Cables@ wires and cords for power installation - Part 214: Installation cable NHXMH with improved properties in the event of fire Isolierte Starkstromleitungen - Teil 214: Installationsleitung NHXMH mit verbessertem Verhalten im Brandfall...
Cables, wires and cords for power installation - Part 214: Installation cable NHXMH with improved properties in the event of firedoi:DIN VDE 0250-214
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