NHS官网搜索find a GP 网址:https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/ 输入城镇或邮编寻找并选择最近的 GP 注册地 点击Visit GP surgery website 点击New patients registration form 然后按步骤填写你的邮箱、姓名、出生地、住址信息等提交注册 注册完GP,移动端下载NHS App:https://www.nhs.uk/apps-library/nhs-ap...
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Article 17 Jun 2021 Sally Sidaway, RSM UK Tax and Accounting Limited It has been rare over the last few years that we have had good news to advise clients of in respect of the NHS pension scheme; in recent months however both the McCloud judgement and the reform of Final Pay Controls...
Online communities in the UK NHS Online communities in the UK National Health Service ByAlejandro, HumbertoChávez, Gumeta
The report will clearly contain details of Calocane’s health, and as such it constitutes a special category of personal data, requiring a condition for processing fromArticle 9 of the UK GDPR. The most likely candidate would be Article 9(2)(g): ...
NHS是国家医疗服务,而要享受这个服务,就需要缴纳IHS:IHS(Immigration Health Surcharge)即英国移民医疗附加费,征收对象是在英国居住超过6个月的非英国公民。IHS从2015年4月6日起开始征收,去年10月则从300英镑/年上调至470英镑/年。这笔费用在申请签证时会自动向你强制收取,所以不用再额外缴纳。英国社区医生GP...
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1.先在网上搜索「http://nhs.ukFind a GP」关键词。进入NHS官网之后,点击「Find a GP」2.输入租...