1️⃣ 首先,访问NHS官网(),找到NHS services官方链接,点击“find a GP”。 2️⃣ 输入你的邮编(Postcode),系统会显示你附近的GP列表,供你选择。 3️⃣ 选择你心仪的GP后,点击“Online Visit Surgery website”进入GP网站,查找注册信息。按照页面提示填写相关信息。 4️⃣ 提交信息后,GP将在5个...
在搜索栏输入“GP”,点击“gp register”。 筛选信息,找到“How to register with a GP surgery”,点击进入。 下拉页面,点击“Find a GP”。 填写你在英国的住址邮编。 系统会推送附近的社区门诊供你选择,建议优先选择学校门诊,更安全。 进入门诊页面,点击“Visit GP surgery website”。 找到“Register with t...
1、 NHS官网搜索find a GP 网址:https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/ 2、 输入城镇或邮编寻找并选择最近的 GP 注册地 3、 点击Visit GP surgery website 4、 点击New patients registration form 5、 然后按步骤填写你的邮箱、姓名、出生地、住址信息等提交注册 注册完GP,移动端下载NHS App: https://www....
以下是注册GP的步骤: 1⃣️ 打开NHS官网,在主页找到NHS Service。 2⃣️ 点击GPs,然后选择Find A GP。 3⃣️ 输入邮编,系统会搜索最近的GP。 ⼩小tips: 可以在Googlemap⾥搜索⼀下这家GP的评分。 4⃣️ 点击GP的website填写表格。每个诊所的官网都不一样,但通常需要填写一些基本信息。表格...
NHS官网搜索find a GP 网址:https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/ 输入城镇或邮编寻找并选择最近的 GP 注册地 点击Visit GP surgery website 点击New patients registration form 然后按步骤填写你的邮箱、姓名、出生地、住址信息等提交注册 注册完GP,移动端下载NHS App:https://www.nhs.uk/apps-library/nhs-...
Go to the Health A to Z Go to the Medicines A to Z 111 online Find out more about the NHS industrial action from NHS England Go to women’s health Find out more about your NHS account Find a pharmacy Find a dentist Find a GP Find urgent and emergency care Find other NHS services...
1.先在网上搜索「http://nhs.ukFind a GP」关键词。进入NHS官网之后,点击「Find a GP」2.输入租...
Search the Westcroft Health Centre websiteSearch NHS App The NHS app can be used for a number of things such as ordering repeat prescriptions, managing appointments, viewing your GP health record and using NHS 111 online to answer questions and get instant advice or medical help near you. ...
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You can also register with a GP practice by visiting them in person and completing a GMS1 and other registration forms. However because of the coronavirus illness, call the practice first for instructions.How to register with a GP practice Find a GP practice GMS1 registration form (PDF, 156...