Walsall NHS Healthcare Trust in the West Midlands has also now declared a critical incident. Walsall Manor Hospital is "seeing increased numbers of people requiring hospital care - predominantly with respiratory conditions," said chief executive Will Roberts. Jason Killens, the Welsh Ambulance Service...
John Rostill, chief executive of Walsall Hospitals Trust which runs the Manor Hospital, admitted the Commission for Health Improvement's decision to downgrade the trust to two stars was a 'personal disappointment'. Mr Rostill, who is due to leave the trust to take over the reigns of the ...
Walsall All Hallows Hospital Ashgate Hospice Barnsley Hospice Bassetlaw Hospice Beaumond House Community Hospice Beechwood Cancer Care Centre Bolton Hospice Bradbury Day Care Centre Brian House Bury Hospice Butterwick Hospice Butterwick Hospice at Bishop Auckland Butterwick House Children's Hospice CancerCare ...
spotted morenpromptly and steps taken to achieve an earlier delivery,nwhich would have averted the brain damage.nAt 13.20 on the antenatal ward at Manor HousenHospital,Walsall, on 11 January 1980, the mother was beingnvaginally examined by a midwife, Mrs Lloyd-Griffiths,nwhen the membranes ...
Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust was one of nine trusts selected to take part in the RCN development programme transforming dementia care in hospitals during 2013. The programme aimed to improve the experience of care for people with dementia and their carers in hospital. This article outlines a two...