They speak softly, but carry big walking sticks: survey reveals what older people want from NHS reformsdoi:10.1108/qaoa.2011.55912daa.006Emerald Group Publishing LimitedQuality in Ageing & Older Adults
June 2017: I had no excuse for not entering the Peninsula Sprint Triathlon. Especially as it was from beach at the end of my road. My sis flew over to look after the children – thank you, and thank you for having them the night before so I could get my ‘race head’ on. Here i...
I got into trouble once on Facebook when I said something like 20% of people are shit. That includes hospital staff, the police, the army, the clergy, bin men, gravediggers, chefs, teachers, shop keepers, etc. Someone told me that people in the NHS deserve our respect. It’s true, ...