GP surgeries, social care services and NHS walk-in centres(随到随诊中心) must open for longer to take pressure off casualty wards(伤亡病房), leading emergency doctors have urged, warning that A &E(英国公立医院的急诊室) is being taken to mean“anything and everything” by too many patients...
选择:Walk-in Centres、Urgent Care Centres、Minor Injuries Units,无需预约,直接到场,但要按病情严重程度排队治疗。 -免约诊所(Walk-in Centers) 适合病情:小型外伤、感冒发烧、呕吐腹泻、花粉过敏等 营业时间:7am-8pm不等,一周7天全开放 查询网址:
Maheswaran and colleagues, published in the March 2007 online issue of the "British Medical Journal." The study examined 2,509 general practices with 32 walk-in centers. It concluded that walk-in centers have no impact on waiting times.
到这一步注册GP成功的同学们,需提前打电话预约绑定的GP,或直接去GP诊所与前台工作人员预约。 来不及预约的朋友,英国有Walk-in Centres,这种诊所无需预约和注册就可直接看病,提供“walk-in hour”紧急门诊。 当然,这也不代表着你就可以直接走进去看病了,在Walk-in Centres预约时,工作人员会告知你可预约的时间。
02医院看病——较严重,但不紧急如果情况比较严重,但是短期内不涉及生命危险的,可以选择去:Walk-in Centres、Minor Injuries Units。无需预约,直接到场,但要按病情严重程度排队治疗。!Walk-in Centers适合病情:小型外伤、感冒发烧、呕吐腹泻、花粉过敏等;营业时间:7am-8pm不等,一周7天全开放;输入邮编查询距离...
NHS Walk-in Centres 如果同学们的病情不严重,就可直接去 NHS 提供的 Walk-in Centres。因为不需要提前预约。 其服务包括: 诊治感染和皮疹 检测血压 诊治不严重骨折和裂伤 提供紧急避孕药和信息 诊断肚子疼、呕吐或腹泻等症状 缓解花粉病的症状 治疗虫子和动物的咬伤 治疗小伤口和淤青 治疗非严重性烧伤扭伤 提供戒...
如果情况比较严重,但是短期内不涉及生命危险的,可以选择去:Walk-in Centres、Minor Injuries Units。无需预约,直接到场,但要按病情严重程度排队治疗。 Walk-in Centers 适合病情:小型外伤、感冒发烧、呕吐腹泻、花粉过敏等; 营业时间:7am-8pm不等,一周7天全开放; ...
如果情况比较严重,但是短期内不涉及生命危险的,可以选择去:Walk-in Centres、Minor Injuries Units。无需预约,直接到场,但要按病情严重程度排队治疗。 Walk-in Centers 适合病情:小型外伤、感冒发烧、呕吐腹泻、花粉过敏等; 营业时间:7am-8pm不等...
NHS walk-in centres were introduced, allowing people to receive quick and easy medical services without the need to book an appointment or be registered. They were designed to deal with minor illnesses and injuries, and most are still open 365 days a year, and outside office hours. ...
Impact of NHS walk-in centres on the workload of other local healthcare providers: time series analysis Objectives To assess the impact of NHS walk-in centres on the workload of local accident and emergency departments, general practices, and out of hours ser... M Chalder,D Sharp,L Moore...