Of those who had left their previous job due to a health-related condition, more than one third (35%) were on an NHS waiting list, a similar proportion to the 36% reporting a health condition as a reason for not returning to work. Of those who said their long-term condition reduced ...
But it's not all good news. The number on the list who have been waiting more than 18 months (72 weeks) has risen slightly, from 7,177 to 7,289. And the total number waiting more than 18 weeks is up from 3.09 million to 3.18 million. And the headline figure that...
Wednesday 5 July 2023 08:22, UK Maria Caulfield NHS This is a modal window. Video Unavailable Technical details : This video is currently unavailable Health Minister Maria Caulfield has told Sky News the 7.4 million-strong list of people waiting for NHS treatmen...
Almost 10 million patients could be on waiting lists for NHS treatment by the end of the year amid the anticipated second peak of the COVID-19 outbreak, according to estimates from the makers of a new app. The UK’s digital hospitalMedbellehas announced the launch of a free online tool...
中新社·华舆讯据英伦圈报道说起在英国国家医疗服务体系(The National Health Service,简称“NHS”)下就诊,从预约到就诊当天,这中间的过程多少有点“路漫漫其修远兮”的感觉。 别的都好说,只光是被加入NHS的waiting list(候诊名单)这一点,之后什么时候能排到自己看医生,就……随缘。
Watch the latest from ITV News - The waiting list for routine hospital treatment in England has fallen for the 5th month in a row. But 6.29 million people are still waiting to be seen.
NHS数据显示,每年进行心理健康服务治疗的人数比六年前增加了100万人。心理健康慈善机构Mind估计,现有近200万人在NHS心理健康服务的等待名单上。 NHS 111热线开始提供心理健康危机服务了!急需心理帮助的暂时不用去排GP看不到头的waiting list或者去看昂贵...
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13268207/NHS-waiting-list-two-million-people-longer-ONS.html?ico=topics_pagination_desktop [5]DailyMail:SeniordoctorsinEnglandagreeonapaydealwiththegovernmenttoendayearlongdispute https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-13275843/Senior-doctors-England-...
① One in eight on hospital waiting list as backlog grows(随着积压的增加,英格兰近八分之一的人正在等待住院治疗),https://www.bbc.com/news/health-62832997 ② NHS performance summary(NHS绩效报告), https://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/qualitywatch/nhs-performance-summary ...
(官网地址:nhs.uk/Service-Search/G) 若选定适当的诊所,携带护照和入学许可,填写相关表格,接着会由护士来替你做一个健康检查,在完成这些手续后,会在两周内收到NHS医疗卡(NHS medical card),卡上会有你的医疗号码。如果你更换了GP,你的医疗卡信息也将同步更新到新GP处。 看病程序 一般的疾病去看GP需要提前...