my commissioners remain of the view that the repeat viewing of individual “open source” sites for the purpose of intelligence gathering and data collation should be considered within the context of the protection that RIPA affords to such activity ...
View job Permanent 206127 Medical Secretary (EG) CP45 Edinburgh £26,869 - £28,998 a year 13 days ago View job Permanent Ward Clerk- Health Records Glasgow £24,647 - £26,763 a year 9 days ago View job Permanent NHSL 206180 Clerical Officer (LAM) ...
Looking for access to your health record? ⛔️ You can't get copies of your health records using WhatDoTheyKnow –find out why. 💁 How to access your health records You'll be able to find contact details for the team that deals with this on the organisation's website – this is...
The trust so far admits that since 1 January 2021, that there were 24 instances of failure to review CT scans/ CT scan reports, five of which in the trust’s view caused harm, and three of which were reported to the health regulator, the Care Quality Commission. Despite the long running...
In lieu of an , here is a brief excerpt of the content: Copyright 漏 1981 Biographical Research Center Project MUSE庐 - View Citation MLA APA Chicago Endnote Barnett Singer. " An American Original: The Life of J. Frank Dobie , and: My Works and Days: A Personal Chronicle (review)." ...
So I certainly think from a patient point of view, it might lose some of the quality.” (Interview, P32). Additionally, participants from mental health and specialist services were concerned that their patients would need to speak to a pharmacy professional with such specialist knowledge, which...
With our access to a vast array of medical records, one of the key requirements of our project was the security of our dataset. Thankfully, we were able to conduct our work in a contained and secure environment through Azure’s services. ...
The death of a patient in 2016 prompted a meeting where Mrs Fairhall expressed the view that it may have been prevented if any of the 13 cases she had reported had been listened to. From 2008, senior nurse Mrs Fairhall was employed as a clinical care co-ordinator for the Stockton region...
‘[There is the view that] you should deal with that stuff in your own time… it shouldn't affect your work’ (I7) These quotes describe the perception that doctors feel they may be seen as weak for seeking help; this was often linked to the expectation that they should be invincible ...
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